Local Resolution EXPOSED

Local Resolution EXPOSED
Local Resolution Is designed to obstruct the Public from getting Police Officers charged with offenses or face any disciplinary actions. It is designed to hide Police Officers true Disciplinary Record
"Local resolution

Local resolution is a way of dealing with less serious complaints. It should not normally be used if what you are complaining about could lead to a police officer being prosecuted for a crime or to disciplinary action against the police officer.

For your complaint to be dealt with by local resolution, you have to agree. If you don't want your complaint dealt with by local resolution, it will be dealt with by a police investigation. If you do agree to local resolution, you cannot change your mind about it later. However, the police can decide at any time to change the investigation into a police investigation.
Different police forces have different ways of dealing with complaints by local resolution. Before you decide whether to agree to local resolution, the police should explain these to you clearly and in person.

If the police agree with your complaint (it is 'upheld'), you may get an apology from the police. However, they can't make a police officer you have complained about apologise personally. The police cannot bring a disciplinary charge against the officer, and the officer will have no formal record on their file, although a record will be made of the complaint. You can get a copy of this record as long as you ask for it within three months of your complaint being dealt with.

You can appeal to the IPCC if you are not happy with the way the local resolution was handled. You should do this in writing within 28 days of your complaint being dealt with. You can appeal only if the police did not follow the procedures they agreed at the start. You cannot appeal because you are not happy with the decision about your complaint. If the IPCC agrees with your appeal, local resolution may be tried again, or your complaint may be investigated in a different way."

IPCC https://www.ipcc.gov.uk/sites/default/files/Documents/Focus/Focus_August_2014.pdf
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